
LLM Events


Spring Events!

• Sunday, May 16, Starts: 1:30pm
Norwegian Constitution Day Parade
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

Line-up: SON lodges assemble on 84th bet. 5th& 4th Aves at 12:30-1pm.
Step off time is 1:30pm Rain or Shine.
Parade Route: Starts at 84th and 5th Ave and ends on 67th St. at the Reviewing Stand across from Leif Ericson Park. Note that the parade is shorter this year due to NYC budgetary constraints. (Line-up on back)

From the three groups that make up the parade (Sons of Norway, Churches, Civic) the Sons of Norway lodges will be marching first this year. Members of 4 Norwegian Lodges will be marching too. Eivind Heiberg, SON’s CEO will be leading us. Please introduce yourself to Eivind sometime during the day.

LLM’s wonderful banner demands a large turnout of members and friends to march behind it. Perfect event for kids!

Contact Winnie Olsen, pres, and let her know YOU ARE COMING!

The theme this year is “Ja, vi elsker dette landet” and the Bergen Police Band will be playing. (Step lively!)

The Parade Program immediately follows the march. The guest speaker is the NFL’s former quarterback “Boomer” Eliason and current TV and radio analyst. Boomer promises a good message! After the parade, many Lillehammer Lodge members mosey over to the Swedish Club for hot dogs, beer, dancing and schmoozing.

• Theater Event:
Ibsen’s The Master Builder
Anyone interested in a group outing to see Ibsen's The Master Builder on May 25, 7 pm are invited to e-mail or call Dene Davis by May 18 (muffinmade1@aol. or 212-995-9011). Write "Ibsen" in the subject line.

Tickets are only $18 at the box office:
The Clurman Theater at Theater Row
410 West 42nd Street (between 9th and 10th Avenues)

Otherwise, Ticket Central charges a $2/ticket service charge.

We could plan to meet before the play for discussion, eats, whatever is the group's preference.

• Lillehammer May Meeting
Thursday, May 27
We have decided to move our May 27 meeting to the Norwegian Seamen's Church, 317 East 52nd St., betw. 1st and 2nd Aves. in order to take advantage of the opportunity to see a new documentary film, "The Statue of Liberty--Mystery of the Copper Source" (see attached announcement) about the Norwegian copper that was used in the Statue of Liberty.. The film will begin at 7 pm, but first we will have a business meeting, probably in the church 2nd floor library, at 6 o'clock.

2009 Events:

Friday, Jan. 30, 2009 at 6:30 PM: "Norwegian Literature Today: What the World is Reading". Lillehammer Lodge Manhattan is delighted to welcome Dr. Pål Bjørby, Assoc. Prof. of Scandinavian Studies, U. of Bergen, as its guest speaker. He will discuss the current literary scene in Norway and, in particular, the work of acclaimed novelist Per Petterson. (If you haven't yet had the pleasure of reading Out Stealing Horses or any of his other works—In the Wake or most recently, To Siberia, you may want to do so prior to the meeting.) Sandra Fisher, LLM's V.P., has graciously offered to host the event. Date: Friday, January 30, 6:30 pm. What: Supper and drinks, followed by literary talk and discussion. Where: Sandra Fisher's home. Donation: $10 members; $15 guests. Contact to RSVP and for directions.

Thursday, April 16, 2009 from 6:00-8:00 PM
We have been invited to attend a reception in honor of internationally recognized Norwegian artists Marian Heyerdahl and Ole Lislerud. The reception is hosted by Loveed Fine Arts, 575 Madison Avenue, 10th floor, from 6 to 8 pm. Afterward, we will join together for dinner or light refreshments and a time for socializing at a nearby restaurant (TBA). A description of the artists' work follows (several of our members have seen Heyerdahl's work in Norway and have been immensely impressed). See

Sunday, May 17: Come and march proudly behind Lillehammer's Banner at the annual Syttende Mai parade in Brooklyn on Sunday, May 17. Sons of Norway Lodges will line up on 88th St., betw. 4th and 5th Avenues. Lillehammer will be between Loyal and Ibsen lodges. (If you're coming by subway, take the "R" along 4th Ave. to the 86th St. stop) Plan to be there at 1:00 pm; bring your kids, parents, friends, and wear your bunad, Norwegian sweater, or just red, white and blue. Flags and noisemakers also welcome! This is a chance to meet the new Consul General Sissel Breie, who will be the featured speaker, the guest band from Stavanger will be there to add to the festivities.

Thursday, Sept. 24 at 6:00 PM: LLM Members and guests are invited to *En prate kveld* --an evening of conversation, plus good food, grog, and much more! As a special feature, Sandra will show her beautiful slides of Lopa Island and lodge, off the coast of Finnmark, Northern Norway (as featured in the January ’08 issue of Viking magazine). Guaranteed to make you want to rush right home and put in your reservations for next summer’s vacation! In addition: Come and learn about LLM’s participation in this year’s Norwegian Festival in Central Park, Sat. October 3, and how you can join the fun! WHEN: Thursday, Sept. 24, from 6 pm; WHERE: Sandra Fisher’s home
RSVP: or Telephone 212 787-6043 by Sept. 22
CONTRIBUTION: $12 members, $15 guests

Saturday, Oct. 3: The Annual Norwegian Festival in Central Park sponsored by Norway’s Consulate General promises to be better than ever this year. As usual, there will be a 13.1 mile Grete’s Great Gallop, a 1.7 mile Norway Walk/Run, and the ever popular Troll Stroll for kids 2-12 years old. Check out the Roadrunners website to register, and also for details. LLM will again be present with fun activities for the whole family. Please join us!

• Oct. 14-24: Scandinavia House is holding a Norwegian Film Week and some members expressed interest in seeing some films together. All LLM members and friends who are interested can join us for just the films or for the "Dinner and a Movie." We will dine afterward because the films begin early, at 6 PM. Film Ticket prices: $9 ($6 ASF Members). Dinner and a Movie Ticket: $30 per person ($26 ASF Members). If you are planning to see several of the films: Series Pass: $45 ($30 ASF Members). To see details of all the films and of "Dinner and a Movie" go to: Members who want to do “Dinner and the Movie” should call Smorgås Chef Restaurant at 212 847 9745 and make the reservations for both the Dinner and the Movie there themselves. Then, stop at the restaurant on the way in to the movie, to pick up their movie tickets. This helps guarantee a movie ticket. Enjoy!
• Thurs. Oct. 15: 6:00 PM Movie Night “The Art of Norwegian Animation” at Scandinavia House (58 Park Avenue between 37th and 38th Streets) Optional Dinner after at Smörgås Chef at Scandinavia House. Make your reservations at 212 847 9745 and RSVP to so we know to look out for you.
• Fri. Oct. 16: 6:00 PM Movie Night “Max Manus” (N.B. It’s a 2 hr. movie!) at Scandinavia House (58 Park Avenue between 37th and 38th Streets) Optional Dinner after at Smörgås Chef at Scandinavia House. Make your reservations at 212 847 9745 and RSVP to so we know to look out for you.

• Wed. Nov. 11, 12-2 PM:
LLM will have a table at the Norwegian Seaman’s Church Smorgasbord Lunch, 317 East 52nd Street, NYC. ($22). RSVP to so we know to save you a spot.

• Thurs. Nov. 19 at 7:00 PM:
World Premiere/Special Film Event at Scandinavia House (58 Park Avenue between 37th and 38th Streets) "Divine Madness: Hamsun in America" at 7:00 PM. Ticket prices: $9 ($6 ASF Membs).

• Wed. Dec. 9, 12-2 pm: LLM will have a table at the Norwegian Seaman’s Church Yulebord Lunch, 317 East 52nd Street, NYC. ($35). RSVP to so we know to save you a spot.

• Fri. Dec. 18 at 6:30 PM, Family Style Julefest at the home of Sandra Fisher for members and their guests. Watch for your email invitation and please RSVP by phone in advance. Checks must be received by Dec. 16 to qualify for the lower prices.

Jan. 4 – 9, 2010: Nordic Oscar Contenders at Scandinavia House

Past 2008 Events:

Wed. Jan. 9 at 6:30 PM LILLEHAMMER LODGE MANHATTAN AND THE NORWEGIAN SEAMEN’S CHURCH present "TERRORISM AND THE EVOLUTION OF RADICAL ISLAM" by MS. LAILA BOKHARI, Norway’s Representative on the UN al Qaida Taliban Monitoring Commission. At the Norwegian Seaman’s Church, 317 East 52nd Street, NYC, (btw. First & Second Aves.). Light Refreshments will be served. Suggested Donation: $7.00
A political scientist, Laila Bokhari's research has focused on terrorism and the evolution of radical Islam, with a particular focus on Pakistan and Afghanistan. Since 2001 she has been a Research Fellow with the Terrorism and Political Violence Project at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) to which she will return upon completion of her UN assignment in mid-January. Ms. Bokhari will speak at the meeting in her personal, not official capacity.

Wed. March 26 at 6:15 PM Join us at Scandinavia House (58 Park Avenue between 37th and 38th Streets) Wednesday, March 26th @ 6:15pm for The Movie, the Meeting and "Maten" (the food). SO ORDER YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE (TODAY!) TO ENSURE A SEAT.
Order your tickets @ 212-847-9737. A great bargain for $8 ($6 for Amer. Scand. Fndn. mbrs.)
LLM contact: Martina Leonard @, or 646-361-0962. Please RSVP so we know to look for you!!Invite your friends. The more, the merrier. For more on the film: (The first one is in English. If the links don't work, please try typing them in.)

Fri. April 18 at 6:30 PM We are delighted to welcome LLM's Cultural Director, Lillesand-based Norwegian journalist Anne Marta Svendsen as our guest speaker at our Lodge
Meeting on Friday, April 18, 6:30 pm at the home of Sandra Fisher.
Anne Marta will fill us in on "Oslo's Current Cultural Scene--What's Hot in Music, Literature and Art!" The meeting will begin with some time for socializing and a very tasty supper; the sure to be lively program will follow. Reservations required.

Sunday, May 18: Come and join the celebration of Norway's Constitution Day - March in the annual Parade - May 18th in BrooklynTheme: Salute to Norwegian Explorers WE NEED ALL MEMBERS AND FRIENDS AND FAMILIES MARCHING! Wear your bunad, Norwegian sweater, or red, white and blue outfits.Or, shake up the scene and come dressed as a Norwegian Explorer! The Annual Norwegian Independence Day Parade with marching bands, floats, Sons of Norway lodges, church groups, civic organizations and much, much more. All groups will line up on 88th, 89th and 90th Streets off 5th Avenue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn at 12:30 and check out what's happening. LLM is at the beginning of the Sons of Norway lodges, so we better have a good turnout!!! The Parade kicks-off at 1:30 - rain or shine- and continues along 5th Avenue to 67th Street, then turning East to pass in front of the Reviewing Stant set up across from Leif Erikson Park, between 6th and 7th Avenues.Expect a dozen marching bands in the Parade. Meet old friends, make new ones....Lots of Norwegians, lots of fun!!! At the conclusion of the Parade, this year's program speaker will be Barry Farber, and Miss Norway will be crowned.After the Parade, most of us go over to the Swedish club for hamburgers, hotdogs, drinks and music.The Seamen's Church will also be selling hot dogs at the end point of the parade. SUBWAY: R to 86th St. (almost the end of the line!) Any questions, please contact Sandra Fisher. Parade Information from the Parade Committee's website:

Thursday, Sept. 25, 6:30 pm. Supper and drinks, followed by program and discussion with guest speaker visual artist Ms. Ingvild Waerhaug ( Location: UES home. Reservations (necessary) to Donation: $13. LLM Meeting and Discussion on modern Norwegian literature. Stay tuned for your email notice.

Saturday, Oct. 4. The Annual Norwegian Festival in Central Park sponsored by Norway’s Consulate General promises to be better than ever this year. As usual, there will be a 13.1 mile Grete’s Great Gallop, a 1.7 mile Norway Walk/Run, and the ever popular Troll Stroll for kids 2-12 years old. Check out the Roadrunners website to register, and also for details. LLM will have two booths again this year— “Norwegian Trivia” for adults and a Ring-toss for kids. We need Volunteers— setting up, hosting at booths, and breaking down—7:30 am and Noon. Please join the fun and volunteer for 2 hours.

Wednesday, November 5, 12-2pm: LLM will have a table at the Norwegian Seaman’s Church Smorgasbord Lunch, See; 317 East 52nd Street, NYC.

Tuesday, November 11th, 6:00-9:00 pm: at the Royal Norwegian Consulate General, 825 Third Avenue (at 50th Street). The Royal Norwegian Consulate General has graciously offered to host the November meeting of Lillehammer Lodge Manhattan. LLM is honored to have as its guest speaker, Ms. Laila Dåvøy, a member of the Storting ( Norway ’s Parliament) from the Christian Democratic Party, representing Hordaland. A nurse by profession, prior to her election to the Storting in 2005, Ms. Dåvøy held leadership positions in a range of nursing and public health organizations; she will focus her remarks on health care and the status of gender equality in Norway , two issues with which she is particularly engaged. Following her talk there will be time for questions and dialogue.

Friday, Dec. 12, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Family Style Julefest. (Reservations required. Invitations sent by mail.)

LLM Event Listing for 2007

Tues. Feb. 13: LLM Meeting, Norwegian Seamen’s Church ("Travels in Norway") Sun. March 25, afternoon: Training Session for Officers. (President's Home) SPRING Tues.

April 10, 2007: LLM MEETING. A social gathering/dinner at Smorgas Chef, a very fine Scandinavian restaurant at 49th St. at 2nd Ave. (NE corner), 6:30 pm. Come for a snack, salad, burger or four-course dinner--the menu is both extensive and enticing.

Sun. April 22, 2007: 4 PM Memorial Service for Lodge Members who have died this year, Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, 414 80th St, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn Wed.

April 25, 2007 at 12 noon- 3PM: LLM will host Zone 1 get-together at Norwegian Seamen’s Church, 317 East 52 Street, NYC. "TASTES OF NORWAY PROGRAM": Welcome Reception in the Trygve Lie Gallery, and tour of church- The Church's famous Smorgasbord - a delicious hot and cold buffet- Cost: $20. Mail your check before April 12 to: Sandra Fisher (chair of event) 535 East 86th St. #21A, New York, NY 10028.

Sun. May 20, 2007: Syttende Mai Parade, Bay Bridge, Brooklyn. Sons of Norway lodges will be lining up on 90th St betw. Fifth Ave. and Ft. Hamilton Parkway, btw. 12:30 and 1 pm. [By subway: take the "R" train to 86th St.] Lillehammer will be marching between the Ibsen and Loyal lodges from Long Island. For more information contact or LLM's parade captain, Valerie Swanson ( Wear a bunad, lusekufte (Norwegian sweater) or colorful outfit.


Tues. June 12, 2007: LLM MEETING and Movie Night. Trygve Lie Gallery at the Seamen's Church, 317 East 52nd Street (btw. 1st&2nd Ave). We're fortunate to have obtained a copy of "The Danish Poet," the Norwegian animated short that won an Oscar this year, for what may be an exclusive NYC showing! We'll also screen either a popular feature film or a selection of very popular short films. Meeting starts at 6:15 PM, Show time is 6:30. A donation of $7 at the door is suggested. (See about "The Danish Poet".)


Wed. Sept. 19, 2007: LLM MEETING and FOLK DANCING! LLM is delighted to welcome members of the Brooklyn-based Norwegian Dance Society of New York, who will provide expert instruction on several popular Norwegian Folk Dances. Partners, experience, or bunads not necessary, but all welcome. Just wear leather-soled shoes for easy gliding across the floor to traditional Norwegian folk tunes. Refreshments will be served.We look forward to seeing all LLM Members on Sept. 19. Feel free to bring friends. The more, the merrier! Date: Wed., Sept. 19 [note change of date, from 9/11] Time: 6:30 PM -- LLM members business meeting 6:45 PM -- Program "Norwegian Folk Dancing" Place: Trygve Lie Gallery, Norwegian Seamen's Church 317 East 52nd Street (btw. First and Second Aves.) New York, NY Attire: Festive Folk, bunads, Norwegian colors, etc. welcome! Donation: $8 LLM members, $10 guests.

Mon. Oct. 1, 2007: Young Vikings Event! Open to all SON Lillehammer Lodge Manhattan members and friends as well!!!Young Literary Salon presents "Out Stealing Horses" by Per Petterson at the 92nd Street YMCA (Lexington Ave and 92nd St)--Kaufmann Concert Hall at 8:00pm. Admission: $18.00/$10.00 age 35 and younger. Tickets can be purchased at Each person to get his/her own ticket. General Seating.

Sat. Oct. 6, 2007: Norwegian Festival/Grete’s Gallop (Central Park, NYC) Tues. Oct. 23, 2007 at 7:30 PM: Norwegian artists concert, All Souls Church, Lexington Ave. at East 80th, NYC. Suggested Donation: $10.


Wed. Nov. 28, 2007: Royal Norwegian Consulate General, 825 Third Avenue (at 50th Street ) Wednesday, November 28th, 6:00 pm, $7 Members $10 Guests. RSVPs required to Guest Speaker: Ms. Berit Enge, Minister Counselor of Political Affairs, and member of the Norwegian delegation to the United Nations December Julefest, 2007: Sat.

Dec. 8, by invitation to Members and their guests.